La 34ème Dimension

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The 34th DOOMension


Corrupted South Park

Corrupted South Park
Level Num. 27
Origins South Park
Monsters 278
Secrets 3
Previous level Next level
Melee Island Knee-deep...

Corrupted South Park is the 27ᵉ level of 34DOOM.

The town of South Park is in chaos. And given that certain parts of the level got mixed with other universes, we see that we are getting closer to the Grand Machin. The player will have to help the children of South Park to unlock the exit portal.


⚠️ Click here to reveal the secrets of the map.
  1. In the school, at the left of the dark room's door. : In the school, stand in front of the door with the dark room with a TV and inspect the wall to your left to find a Heart Container. (Sector 197)
  2. In Trip and Grace's apartment, behind the shelf. : In the apartment where there is a Pigcop and a ROTT Guard, inspect the shelf at the back to find coins. (Sector 199)
  3. In the Hell street, in a small dead end. : Upon entering the Hell Street, go to the end of the first alley on the right and inspect the back wall to find a Heart Container and a Quad Damage. (Sector 200)


  • The interior of the school is based on the high school where Max le Fou went to when he was young. Moreover, this same high school served as a model for the very first Doom map made by Max in the 90s! (and unfortunately lost since) In addition, Max, at that time, for English lessons, brought VHS recordings of South Park in VOST which he and his class watched in the dark room where there is a TV broadcasting Terrence and Philip.
  • The Infernal Zone is based both on a map project by Max (lost and since abandoned) for Duke Nukem 3D and also on a fiction by Max telling the story of a metalhead who died and arrived to hell to begin his life after death. In this infernal zone there is a DOOM Imp near a desk, like in Max's fiction where the clerk borrowed physical traits from the monster.
  • Kenny does not distribute quests. You can kill him safely… You bastard…
  • In the school there is an apartment with black walls. This is the apartment of Trip and Grace from the experimental video game Facade. Moreover, behind one of the doors, you can hear the couple arguing endlessly…
en/34doom/maps/spark.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/03/02 10:08 de maxlefou